Creating Content For Money Earning Sites

Creating top quality content is crucial for money earning sites, because all money earning sites must rank well in Google and have an honest SEO strategy.

I’m getting to explain how you structure your content very effectively to form your website rank. There are several criteria and methods that you simply can use to form content creation easy. this is often what all money earning sites have in common: they rank high for his or her target keywords and thus get free traffic from the search engines.

We will target one single keyword per page. On this manner we assure, that the pages of our niche site don’t compete against one another but provide comprehensive information on the subject we chose.

Keyword Density on Money Earning Sites

When I say “target one single keyword” I mean, that that the text will contain one specific keyword at a particular density. The keyword density describes, how often a keyword is mentioned on an internet site. for instance, if I write 500 words and therefore the keyword appears 5 times, I even have a keyword density of 1%.

It is vital that you simply keep an eye fixed on the keyword density, because Google uses it to live the relevancy of internet sites . Obviously if an internet site contains your keyword, it could provide helpful information for the subject and thus Google will consider it within the ranking.

But please don’t make the error and stuff the text full with keywords! A keyword density of 1% – 3% is what I’m using on my sites. If you mention your keyword too often, Google will treat the web site as spam! Google searches for natural structured texts and people texts don’t use specific keywords over and once again .

Finding the proper balance for the keyword density may be a secret of all money earning sites, especially for niche sites.

Write For Humans!

This brings us to subsequent point. You don’t write the text of niche sites for the search engines, you write text for humans! does one know what all money earning sites have in common? It’s regardless if they’re monetized with Adsense, offering services, or selling products – they supply value to the reader.

In my eyes this is often the foremost challenging part while creating a distinct segment site. you\’ve got to succeed in a particular keyword density but you furthermore may need to assure that the text looks natural and provides helpful information to the reader.

The reason why your text must be top quality is sort of obvious. People will leave your site directly when the content of your niche site isn’t helping them. They won’t even click on your ads but directly return to the search engine’s results page (SERP). Google tracks the time difference from the people opening your site from the SERP and other people leaving your site back to the SERP.

If all the people leave your site quickly, that would have negative consequences for your ranking.

Otherwise, once you provide helpful information on your niche site, people will share your site and recommend them to others. Virality are often a huge boost for your website, so you’ll want to form sure that folks like your contents!

Types Of Niche Site Contents

But what specific sorts of content are you able to create to fill your niche site, attract search engines, and make your visitors love your site?

There are several different sorts of content, a number of them are easy to make while other require many preparation. If you check out a number of the foremost popular money earning sites like Smart Passive Income, Social Triggers, or Niche Pursuits you’ll find many those contents.

Guides And Tutorials

People love how-to’s, guides. and tutorials. And this is often pretty human, since guides and tutorials let people achieve goals without having to think for them. that\’s why guides and tutorials are an excellent sort of content to publish on niche sites.

To publish a successful guide or tutorial you would like to remember of the matter your visitor is facing. confirm that you simply understand the present situation your reader is in, because that’s the start line for your tutorial.

Than you\’ll undergo every single step your reader must fancy follow your guide. lookout of each single question which will occur and answer them.

Explain the steps during a very detailed manner, in order that people really understand what you would like them to try to to .

Hand your guide to persons that have A level of experience in your field that\’s comparable the knowledge of your reader. this is often an honest thanks to make sure that your guide is understandable which it really takes your reader where you would like him to travel .


One reason for this is often, that complex issues are sometimes good targets for niche sites when it involves search volume and competition. The people curious about a posh subject are usually very hooked in to it and thus curious about sharing knowledge associated with the difficulty. most money earning sites benefit especially from the sharing of content because that’s what makes them spread the planet .

When you are ready to explain the difficulty during a way that creates it understandable for folks that are not any expert, you’ve created great content for your niche site.

Also you state yourself as an expert once you review a product in great detail. People will understand that you simply know what you’re talking about. If they will follow your argumentation and understand why you wish or dislike a particular product, you’ve made a step towards.

Riding a trend will leverage your success and therefore the virality of your niche site. Take a glance into forums and social media and see, what people are talking about in your niche. you\’ll even create a custom Google Alert on your keyword and obtain emails every time Google notices your keyword.


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